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Apostle Sharise C. Evans, A Spiritual Warrior, Sharp Shooter, Deliverance General and Ambassador is founder and overseer of In Heaven Hands Ministries. A Deliverance Ministry helping the oppressed to be made whole through a relationship with Christ Jesus.

In Heaven Hands Ministries is a non profit 501c3 organization established in June 2004, when God called Apostle Sharise through a supernatural encounter and said to her.. "Build my Church". With her God given commission, a fire in her eyes, and a burning in her heart, she beat the ground standing on the scripture John 10:10. She has spent the past nineteen years laboring above and beyond to help an oppressed people find life through the life-giving source Jesus Christ. With the help of the Holy Spirit's wisdom, guidance and leading, 
she has helped thousands of men and women breakthrough strongholds and stubborn demons, helped people discover their purpose, spiritual gifts, restructure their homes, marriages, ministries, churches, businesses and ultimately find and enjoy LIFE. Apostle Sharise is a warrior of deliverance, a mother, a serial entrepreneur, teacher and serves as a spiritual covering to many men and women around the world. 

Apostle, is also known by thousands as a " Master Builder" and have an extensive track record of building an army against the enemy of darkness. She stands firm on fighting for the life of all humanity standing on the scripture John 10:10 so the kingdom of God can be established in the lives of God's people.

John 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.​She is most known for operating in the supernatural through healing and deliverance, miraculous divine signs and wonders and breathes for a victorious testimony of those she serves.
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